Now showing items 540-559 of 779

    • Overcoming: Guiding Individuals through Liminal Conditions on the Pathway to Adulthood 

      Kohlgraf, Kristopher (North Dakota State University, 2020)
      The approach to student housing has been stuck in the past while its inhabitants are evolving towards their future. This thesis research will examine the significance and importance of a building as a rite of passage ...
    • Panopticism: The Socialization of Urban Dwellers in Public Design 

      Qualley, Riley (North Dakota State University, 2019)
      Public spaces in a number of large metros are often active during the work day but by night fill with criminals and the destitute. Accompanying the night brings crimes such as violence and vandalism. Through a thoughtful ...
    • Paradigms of Parallel Performance 

      Witham, Lyle (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      With this thesis design, Paradigms of Parallel Performance, I propose the reconstruction of a new 182,000 square-foot middle school facility for the city of Minot, North Dakota located on the north bank of the Souris ...
    • Parametric Animation 

      Atwood, Peter (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      This project, Parametric Animation, aims to test the potential of parametric structures as an architectural design tool. Although this tool is not new in the architectural design community, the variety of its applications ...
    • Park City Manhattan 

      McLaughlin, Augustin (North Dakota State University, 2019)
      Park City Manhattan is mixed-used urban development located on the East River in the New York Borough of Manhattan. Surrounded by the densely packed concrete jungle of Midtown, Park City is a project that takes an alternative ...
    • Pataphysical Prosthesis: Bringing the 3D Printing Industry from Detroit, MI to the World 

      Johnson, Carmen (North Dakota State University, 2016)
      Modern architectural theory criticizes the use of computers in architectural design for producing cold, inhuman environments. How then should we use the fascinating technology at our fingertips if we are told that doing ...
    • A Path to Reconnection: Using Architecture to Restore the Relationship Between Humankind and the Natural World 

      Kucala, Elizabeth (North Dakota State University, 2024)
      Humans and the natural world once shared a profound connection through the reciprocal nature of their relationship. Due to the continuous changes in the technology and customs of society, as well as the apprehension of ...
    • Pedagogical Composition : an exploration of global passive practices 

      Johnson, Alec (North Dakota State University, 2011)
      The Industrial Revolution has played a dramatic role in shaping the behavior and the mindset of the American people. Innovations like electricity generation, iron production, and sheet glass production have forever ...
    • Permeable education 

      Becker, Catherine (North Dakota State University, 2014)
      This thesis, Permeable Education, provides insight into the impact that permeable architecture has on the culture in a community when applied in educational spaces. The typology, a 230,000 square foot Center for Learning ...
    • Permeable Layering 

      Schultz, Samantha (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      DESIGN WITH layering. The layering creates spaces that are safe, disconnected and protected from the outside. This is shown and felt through the creation of pathways and connections to spaces that are cut through the ...
    • Phyto-Remediation: A Nature-Based Solution Against Poor Air Quality 

      Gonzalez, Ivan (North Dakota State University, 2024)
      Wildfires, escalating in intensity each year, have plunged California into a crisis of indoor air quality, particularly during the wildfire season. This thesis dives into a potential solution: the use of exterior green ...
    • Pier Luigi Penzo: Football on Water and the Stadium Experience 

      Pichetti, Royce (North Dakota State University, 2023)
      The stadium experience is one that has evolved and been enjoyed for centuries. Stadium architecture, technology, and the sporting event itself has changed greatly yet many events tend to miss out on the atmospheric and ...
    • Pillsbury Mill Complex 

      Zoerb, Jodi (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      In design, process is sometimes forgotten when it comes down to a finalized production. What if production, process, and progress were all intertwined instead of specified on a time line? This thesis explores how different ...
    • A Place for lace 

      Weaver, Heather (North Dakota State University, 2014)
      This thesis explores the question, “How can the digital, mechanized world of today, help keep the tradition of handcrafted Belgian lace alive?” The typology for the examination of this problem is a museum/learning center ...
    • Place of Origin: Searching for a Current Vernacular for the St. Croix River Valley 

      Schommer, Daniel (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      Cultures entrench themselves in the environment. Their histories are defined by it and their people are at one with it. Current architecture at times is so universally tuned out of unique regional qualities that it begs ...
    • The Planetary Rift: Awakening the Senses to the Necessity of Nature 

      Guck, Trevor (North Dakota State University, 2022)
      Around the world, confirmation of the deterioration of our planet’s ecosystem is evident. It’s become so common that we are no longer disturbed by the incineration of ancient rainforests and depletion of drinkable water ...
    • Play and the Public Realm 

      Toquam, Gabriella (North Dakota State University, 2022)
      Play is what makes us human. Play provides new perspectives which are required. Play promotes relationship, of those close to us and those in public, both needed relationships. We are more connected than ever in the modern ...
    • Please Feel Invited: Children's Psychiatric Rehabilitation Using Salutogeneic Design 

      Taylor, Eva (North Dakota State University, 2022)
      Mental health is a state of psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing that can have a variety of difficulties that affect the daily function of a person. Mental illness is a persistent problem, with the most ...
    • Plug it in: A perpetual living system 

      Nelson, Christopher (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      Plug it in explores the question -- are the principles and guidelines of modularity sufficient to accommodate a community and yield a city. The problem will be expressed by the design of a mixed-use potential building with ...
    • PODs and MODs : Modularity as a Response to the Skills Gap 

      Cristy, Joshua Kyle (North Dakota State University, 2018)
      PODs & MODs focuses on vocational trades schools, design build programs, entrepreuneurial maker space startups, modular shipping container builders and the manufacturing industry to investigate the issues companies are ...