Spectrum Online
January 2019

NDSU’s student newspaper, The Spectrum, has been in print since December 1, 1896, and the NDSU Archives has a copy of every single issue.

To make The Spectrum more accessible, every issue from 1896 to December, 1959 is digitized and available online. Each issue is full text searchable. In April, the NDSU Libraries and Archives received a grant to continue digitizing The Spectrum, from 1950 to 1985. In the future, digitization will continue until every issue is digitized.

The NDSU Archives also has an index that covers every issue from 1896 to 2018, to assist patrons who may be looking for articles that are not available online.

Currently, The Spectrum staff makes every issue from 2011 to present available online. The Spectrum’s official website is ndsuspectrum.com.

Below is an image of the very first issue.