Finding Statistics/Data

ICPSR: Comprehensive data resource for the social sciences

Kids Count : Data, policy recommendations, and tools

America's Children Reports from

Data from Developing Countries : From the Bureau for Research in Economic Analysis of Development

DataLab : Postsecondary and pre-elementary education data from the National Center for Education Statistics

Digest of Education Statistics

Diversity Data Kids : From Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management

Education Policy and Data Center : International in scope

National Assessment of Educational Progress

National Student Clearing House : Information about student educational outcomes nationwide

The Condition of Education

Finding Tests and Measurements

Terms to know:

Reliability: The extent to which a measurement is free from error. The result for a person who has not changed also doesn’t change when retested at different intervals, by different people, or in different situations. Validity: the degree to which an instrument is measuring the thing it claims to measure. For example, does a test for student engagement actually measure that, or is it measuring something else, like extroversion or intelligence?


Many studies attach full-text of their testing instruments as an appendix to their final document. These can often be found through database searches. Do note that many measurement tools are protected by copyright. If planning to use a tool for research or practice, you may need to get copyright permission or pay for a license. Talk to me if you need help or further information.

To find tests and measurements in databases try searching for your topic AND your instrument.

Example: test anxiety AND ("oral interview" OR questionnaire)

Library Research How To

Here are links to some helpful information about navigating and searching the NDSU Libraries' resources

Searching for dissertations and theses

How to find journals

How to use interlibrary loan

Citation management information

Finding data and statistics

Finding measurement tools (like surveys, inventories etc.)